Whip Your employees into shape in 2017!
Want Happy Employees? Whip them into shape!!
You may have noticed that across the country, fitness has become a major trend. Many companies have been creating workplace wellness programs as a benefit to their employees. From on-site gyms to fitness competitions, companies are making fitness a priority.
Here’s why you should do the same:
Stress Management
Many employees agree that stress is an issue for them at work. Stressed employees tend to feel burned out and fall out of tune with company culture. Wellness programs combat those stress levels, give your employees higher energy levels and simultaneously build a stronger company culture with a higher employee buy-in.
Low Cost Benefit
With LinkedIn, your employees are likely already receiving recruitment messages every week. There’s always a company that can pay more or has more competitive benefits. Even if you can’t afford to keep up with the Jones’ small employee based programs like workplace wellness adds value to your employee experience. These days, employees see company investment in their happiness and health as evidence they are in the right place.
Effects of Regular Exercise
People who regularly exercise don’t just take up less space at their desks. Regular exercise leads to faster learning skills, a sharper memory, better concentration, and greater creativity to name just a few benefits. Employees who exercise regularly come into the office with more energy, and they maintain their energy levels through the day, leading to higher productivity. And remember, once you create a culture of regular exercise, with it comes a higher level of self-discipline among employees.
Cut Down On Workplace Absences
Here’s the most obvious: healthier employees are healthier! Encouraging employees to focus on their health and well-being makes your employees healthier. Healthy employees are significantly less likely to be out sick or to require medical care that creates extended or frequent absences. And as you well know, cutting down on workplace absences means running more efficiently.
So, what are you waiting for? Whip your employees into shape!