September 1, 2017

The Marijuana Conversation: In The Workplace

Now that medical marijuana is legal in 29 states, and legal recreationally in 8 states, employers are facing many questions on it’s impact in the workplace and how it may affect workers compensation coverage.  The National Council on Compensation Insurance has sounded on the issue in a thought provoking article.

  • Should employees be covered under Workers Compensation if they are injured while under the influence of marijuana?
  • Does an employee’s legal use of marijuana impact how the employer would handle administering a drug-free workplace?
  • How will states with anti-discrimination laws handle the hiring and firing of employees who have tested positive for legal use of marijuana?
  • How does marijuana laws affect safety in the workplace?

There are many questions left unanswered but as marijuana-related laws continue to evolve, we hope to gain more clarity on the subject.

Marijuana by the numbers

Tags: workers compensation, marijuana, workplace safety, employees

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