Recommended Automobile Limits of Insurance
When choosing car insurance, you must keep in mind that the minimum limits of liability are 20,000/40,000/10,000 for the state of Connecticut.
What does this mean?
– $20,000 is the required limit for bodily injury for a single person in a single accident.
– $40,000 is the required limit for bodily injury for all persons in a single accident. So if 3 people were involved a car accident which you were responsible for, the maximum they can receive in a claim all together is $40,000.
– $10,000 is the required limit for property damage in a single accident.
If you’re a driver who finds themselves to “close call” accidents or saying to yourself, “Oh my! That was close!”, then you might want to increase your limits of insurance for liability. Pam Honyotski, an experienced property and casualty agent of 25 years, recommends limits of 50,000/100,000/50,000. “Usually $20,000 doesn’t cover all the costs of a car accident should you be at fault for injuries of the other driver. And when your insurance doesn’t cover all costs, you have to pay the remainder of medical bills out-of pocket,” says Honyotski.
Ask us for a quote and let us offer you competitive rates with quality coverage!