Cyber Security-Phishing, Scams, frauds and protection
September 30, 2021

Cyber Security-Phishing, Scams, frauds and protection

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Business owners Beware!

In today’s day of ever evolving technology, clients are looking to social media and websites to validate your business’ authenticity. This leads small business owners to “bulk up” their social media and websites by posting more photos, more videos and more content.

Although difficult, business owners do need to be highly aware of what images they are posting and where they are getting the images from as this could lead to a copyright infringement of an artists work. Stick to sites you know are free, such as, or when possible -use your own images. 

A new, scary phishing attack has been happening in the way of emails from people that appear to be artists claiming that your website is infringing upon their rights “under 17 U.S.C. Sec. 101 et seq. and can be liable for statutory damages of up to $130,000 as set-forth in Section 504 (c)(2) of the Digital millennium copyright act (DMCA) therein.” It proceeds to ask you to click on a link. DO NOT CLICK it. This is a phishing scam. According to Comparitech’s article by Paul Bischoff–this is happening across the world and he labels them as “Copyright Trolls”. 

                                                                                                                       Call your agent today and ask about what you can do to protect your business with increasing your Cyber Security coverage. 

Svendsen Insurance Agency provides Cyber insurance for business owners of all types through out Connecticut;

New Haven, Hartford, Litchfield, Fairfield, Middlesex, Windham, New London and Tolland counties.


Tags: cyber insurance, cyber security, phishing, email scams, copyright infringement, connecticut business owners, cyber liability, new haven

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